Thursday, February 3, 2011

5 Amazing Uses for ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) That You Probably Never Knew About

Hello and welcome to Amethyst Daydream.  As any working adult these days knows, running a smooth household starts with the ability to save money.  Because of this, I've decided to kick off my blog by writing a post about ACV.  It's extremely inexpensive and probably sitting in your pantry right now.  I'm going to show you 5 uses for ACV that you probably never heard of which will get you the most bang for your buck and help you save money other places.

 To begin with, the most effective ACV is organic with mother since it is unfiltered and "raw".  Diluted ACV that is purchased at the grocery store will produce the same results eventually, it just takes longer to notice the helpful effects. Also, if being taken internally the organic ACV is better for you. 

ACV can ease diarrhea and stomach cramps, calm acid reflux, reduce headaches and other aches and pains.  aid in weight loss, and tone your skin.

To ease diarrhea, acid reflux and headaches, you can mix 2 tablespoons of ACV into an 8 oz. glass of water.  Relief usually comes after the first dose and can be used safely up to 3 times a day if needed.  This remedy is also safe for children although I would recommend using honey (if the child is 2 years or older, infants can get bacteria from honey) or a bit of juice to sweeten it. 
If your goal is to lose a moderate amount of weight, you can mix 2 teaspoons of ACV  into a 16 oz. glass of water and sip this slowly throughout the day.  To get the most benefits out of this method, sip on this mixture before each meal.  It will help you feel more full and stop the scent of food alone from triggering you to eat when you're not hungry. It's also been reported that people feel less inclined to eat fatty and/or fried foods while on this diet.

To reap the full benefits ACV has for the skin, you can use it on your skin as a toner and take it internally in the same amounts as those wanting to lose weight.  As a word of caution, if you have sensitive skin it may be wise to mix equal parts of ACV and water for a toner as it may burn more sensitive skin types. Also, it is up to you whether or not you rinse it off but if you will be in direct sunlight it should always be rinsed off since acids can cause burning when combined with sunlight.

These 5 things barely even scratch the surface of all the amazing benefits ACV has to offer.  It's amazing that something that often sits neglected in our pantries can cure so many things in our lives.  Pharmaceutical companies don't want people to know that something inexpensive and good for them can help them stop taking the widely pushed western medical answers for things.  They would much rather you take Immodium or Pepto for diarrhea, any variety of little purple pill for acid reflux, have a cabinet full of aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. for headaches, drink Slim-fast or other MSG-filled diet products that actually keep you from losing weight and have a bathroom sink full of the latest anti-acne and anti-aging creams on the market than tell people that a bottle of organic, undiluted ACV can cure quite a bit of what ails them for only a fraction of the cost.

I've decided to live a healthier, more frugal life and invite all of you to take that journey with me.  I have a few more ideas for blogs about this but I will need ideas for topics in the future so if there is anything organic that you would like researched, please post it as a comment.

Sources: Earth Clinic

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