Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You Don't Use Shampoo?

That's right, I don't. I have only used shampoo 2 times since September, both with disastrous results. Instead of using shampoo that is full of detergent and various chemicals I just use baking soda and water to clean my hair, then pour some apple cider vinegar over it . My hair was always pretty life-less, no matter how hard I tried it only seemed to hold a style for a max of 2 hours. Now it has tons of body and now when I curl it, it keeps for a good while.

The Recipe
I just use 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water. I pour it onto my roots and massage it in for a few minutes, then rinse it out. Then I pour some apple cider vinegar over my hair to keep it soft. Some people leave it in but I rinse mine out so that it doesn't have the vinegar smell when I get out of the shower. There are also some good recipes at Crunchy Betty to play around with, my favorite is the Rosemary and Lavender Hair Softening Rinse.

Be Patient
If you do decide that the no 'poo thing is for you, be patient. The first wash will make you excited and make you think you've found the answer to everything. This is true but by the second or maybe third wash your hair will start to get extra oily. This is because your hair is trying to regulate its oil production. When you use shampoo, the detergent in it seriously dries your scalp which makes it produce extra oil. Once your hair and scalp has detoxed from the shampoo, the oil production will go way down and even out. The result? The gorgeous, bouncy hair you saw the first time you used the baking soda and apple cider vinegar. The oily stage is different for everyone, mine lasted for 3 weeks or so. 

The Benefits
The first and most awesome benefit for me was getting the chemicals out of my hair. Shampoo has some of the most harmful chemicals of all the so-called beauty products we use, second only to deodorant. I would like to caution you not to get the cheapest brand you can find because some baking soda can contain aluminum, which has been linked to Alzheimer's. Arm & Hammer is a good brand and can be picked up at any super market, along with any brands you may find at your local natural food stores. Any brand of apple cider vinegar will do but I have personally had better luck with organic apple cider with "the mother" in it.
Another benefit is of course, awesome hair. Having had super thin, flat hair all of my life that never wanted to do anything but lay flat and straight, I was amazed at how bouncy and beautiful my hair has become since starting this. I've also found that I only need to use this process every 4 days, I just rinse with water in the shower on the other days.
Using these inexpensive products also helps save money. I have found it to be much cheaper than shampoo and conditioner!

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