Saturday, February 26, 2011

Finally, a New Post!

Sorry about not getting any new posts up for awhile, I was without internet for 10 days so I had no way to research anything. Not to mention that I started playing a new video game (Final Fantasy XIII, for anyone who cares =D) so I didn't have much ambition to make anything new. I finally got some ambition today for 2 new things: a nice exfoliating scrub for my ridiculously dry skin and some toothpaste for my 2 year old.

First off, I made my scrub with honey, granulated white sugar and jojoba oil. I'm sure you could use whatever oil makes you happy, I plan on trying the next batch with my organic extra virgin coconut oil (I have become an organic extra virgin coconut oil nut since my last post, more on that later) and I've seen recipes that use extra virgin olive oil as well. This seriously made my skin feel super soft and got all of the dry flakes off!

Honey, Sugar and Jojoba Oil Scrub

5  Tbsp honey
2.5 Cups sugar
2 Tbsp jojoba oil (or other oil of your choice)

Now for the toothpaste... I noticed today that my daughter is getting a dark spot between her 2 front teeth. As someone who never had cavities as a kid, it really made me worry so of course I went to my source of all things natural, Earth Clinic, and found that xylitol and organic extra virgin coconut oil seem to be able to not only stop tooth decay in its tracks but also regrow tooth enamel that has decayed. I researched both claims further and found everyone to be in agreement so I figure it can't hurt to try. I made her toothpaste using organic extra virgin coconut oil, xylitol and orange flavor oil to make it appealing to a toddler. I'm hoping that all the claims will be substantiated and will report back with an update (if she'll use it, that is...).

This really couldn't have come at a better time because I decided to read the ingredients on the tube of toddler toothpaste we were using and noticed saccharine is used as the sweetener! It makes me sick that they aren't putting fluoride in the toothpaste in case it's swallowed but saccharine (which is a cancer causing agent) is okay for our toddlers to ingest.

There are recipes all over the internet for the same basic thing as I have here but this is how I mixed it up. Also, there's definitely not an exact science to this, you will have to test it as you go to see if you like the taste and texture.

*** Edited 2/27/11: My daughter's dark spot between her 2 front teeth has begun to clear up after just 2 brushes with this toothpaste! For some reason though she doesn't like the taste so it's a bit of a fight to brush her teeth with it. Hopefully she will like it better as she uses it more.

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Xylitol Toothpaste (w/orange flavoring)

1 Tbsp Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp Xylitol to start (add more in increments of 1 Tbsp to desired taste/texture)
1/8 Tsp flavor oil of choice to start (add more in increments of 1/8 tsp to taste)*

*Essential oils that have been approved for consumption can also be substituted here but be sure to add those in drops as essential oils are much more concentrated than flavor oils

As I mentioned in the beginning of the post, I have become obsessed with organic extra virgin coconut oil. I won't get into much detail right now, I'll save that for my next post, but I will say that it is totally changing my life and I couldn't be happier. There are just so many benefits!

 I'd like to mention again that if anyone would like me to research some natural cures for an ailment or a specific natural product, feel free to leave it as a comment!


  1. where are you buying the coconut oil? I have a list of stuff I wanna make, but am having trouble getting the ingrediants LOL> I cant seem to find anywhere that has these.

  2. Nikki, I get all of my ingredients at a little natural food store between Lewisburg and Mifflinburg called the Natural Food and Garden Store. I did a Google search for natural stores in your area and came up with a store called As Nature Intended in Bloomsburg and one called Junas Natural Foods in Hazleton as the closest 2. The one in Hazleton sounds pretty awesome so if you ever venture out that way you should look it up.

    You can also order your stuff online. I know that has a lot of the stuff I need there and their prices are pretty reasonable.
